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I'm a late 90s kid who grew up on Sonic the Hedgehog focusing on creative subjects at school, with a keen interest in artistic projects and creative digital media. I have a wide skillset ranging across various digital mediums from graphic design, to digital painting and animation. I'm always eager to explore new places to apply my skills and learn new ones.


I've contributed to various projects such as paid commissions, personal artistic pieces and passion projects in graphic design for environmental awareness. I've also worked as a social media marketer and developed multiple projects within this position, writing blogposts, designing web-builds and putting together long-term action plans for community engagement. 


Throughout my studies at university I received invaluable knowledge on marketing psychology and social media that I feel would be very beneficial to any project or position I work on in the future.


As a victim myself of different traumas and life experiences as well as being a creator with ADHD, I'm an active supporter of mental health awareness and am very empathetic and emotionally driven.I'm passionate about expressing important concepts to general audiences through my work and strive to make the world a better place.


On this website you can find my associated portfolios of work across both graphic design and illustration.


Thank you for taking a look.~


"Even a small amount of power can have a great effect when concentrated on a certain area."

Satoru Iwata


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